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When Respected Leaders Fail Part 7 - The Church NDA

Writer's picture: GM PennerGM Penner
Hidden Sin - Like a snake pit under a welcome mat


"Whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be shouted from the housetops for all to hear!" Luke 12:3 NLT

In 2019, I was praying intently about a particular situation. As I was praying, a story picture came to mind rather randomly... kind of like a series of pictures, really. It was the entrance to a house, similar to our house but not quite. There was a welcome mat in front of the entrance. Everything looked pristine and perfect as I walked up to the door. I looked down at the welcome mat and heard a whisper in my mind, "Yank that mat away"... an odd thing to ask, but as it was a daydream I just did it.

As soon as I pulled the mat away, I was horrified. Underneath this seemingly perfect welcome mat was a deep labyrinth of creepy things. Rodents and snakes quickly scurried for cover as the light exposed this dark underworld. This whole underworld was disgusting and vile; it smelled of manure and decay. As I stumbled back, I realized that no, this was not a home; it was my home church of 10 years.

I prayed about this, wondering, "What was this?" I didn't hear a voice, but in my mind, I heard this explanation of the picture:

  • The welcome mat was the image that either the Church or ourselves are trying to project to the world, evidenced by its placement outside the entrance.

  • The dark underworld was the hidden sins we cover up.

  • The decay and smell were the true condition of our souls as we try to cover up this sin.

I heard in my mind - a hidden voice... perhaps it was my own, but looking back over the last 5 years, I am more certain it was God. I sensed the Holy Spirit saying that a time was coming where hidden sins would be exposed for the world to see.

I'm not sharing this to make myself look like anything... if you knew my life, you wouldn't be impressed. I am saved by God's immense mercy and I am thankful for the redemptive grace I walk in today! I'm writing this today because my heart is breaking at the state of the North American Church!

Let's look at the events that have happened in the Church over the last 6-7 years:

Ravi Zacharias:

2017-2021: Zacharias faced allegations of engaging in inappropriate online communication with a Canadian woman, Lori Anne Thompson. The situation was settled confidentially, and Zacharias denied any wrongdoing. An NDA was signed, which still binds Lori from speaking out to a large degree. Ravi passed away. The scandal developed legs and, despite attempts to quell it, without Ravi's capacity to manipulate silence, the gates broke open, forcing an investigation into Ravi's actions.


2019-2022: Reports reemerged that Frank Houston, father of Hillsong founder Brian Houston, had sexually abused a boy in the 1970s. Hillsong faced criticism for its handling of the revelations. Then, Carl Lentz, lead pastor of Hillsong NYC, was fired for "moral failures," later revealed to involve an extramarital affair. Lentz admitted to the affair and apologized publicly. After this, allegations surfaced that Brian Houston had sent inappropriate text messages to a staff member in 2013 eventually forcing Brian’s resignation.


2023: Allegations surfaced accusing Mike Bickle of sexual abuse spanning several decades. Within months, despite intense denial and manipulation within the Church, by January, it became a full-blown scandal reaching mainstream media outlets.


2024: Cindy Clemishire publicly accused Robert Morris of sexually abusing her from 1982, when she was 12 years old, until 1987. Robert resigned soon after, and the Church continues to struggle with this scandal today.


Most recently, we've seen this network implode with another scandal! While some see this as a family squabble… the evidence suggests there is much more to this scandal.

There seems to be a consistency to the events of nearly every scandal:

- A pastor or leader falls.

- Instead of coming clean, the leaders try to cover it up.

- If they cannot cover it up, they try to manage the image the scandal is creating.

- All efforts are made to save the image (the welcome mat) of the organization.

- All tools are engaged; NDAs are utilized if possible, often with payouts, manipulation, and threats.

Ah, the NDA... what a powerful tool! It is used by powerful elites in the business world daily. It's meant to hide the truth... it's essentially like that welcome mat I described earlier. It covers sin because the truth would hurt the finances or the longevity of the organization.

I referred earlier to Lori Thompson... she was utterly destroyed by the RVIM ministry under Ravi Zacharias. Lori had made requests of RVIM to be released from her NDA back in 2020/2021 after Ravi's death. As of December 2024, it appears she is still under a relative gag order.

In 2023, the International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC), led by founder Mike Bickle, introduced a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) for its staff after allegations of sexual abuse against Bickle surfaced. The NDA required staff members to maintain confidentiality regarding internal matters, including sensitive issues like the allegations against Bickle. The parents of an alleged victim expressed their concerns, stating that the NDA would "shut down their free speech." As of December 2024, there's no publicly available information indicating that the NDA has been rescinded or modified.

In 2007, Morris's attorneys offered Clemishire $25,000 to cover therapy costs, contingent upon her signing an NDA that would prevent her from discussing the abuse publicly. Clemishire declined the offer, choosing instead to speak out about her experience. We are thankful she did not allow her voice to be silenced.

In May 2024, a former Hillsong College student, Anna Crenshaw, declined a settlement offer from the church because it included an NDA. Crenshaw had alleged sexual assault by a church staff member and emphasized her commitment to justice and accountability over financial compensation.

In the most recent scandal at Daystar... as shown by the now-public recordings being played on numerous platforms... the NDA's power is once again in play. Thankfully, Jonathan and Suzi declined to sign... and perhaps with time, the truth can come out. I have no doubt that the NDA was heavily utilized throughout the organization wherever there was potential exposure of what's under the welcome mat.


The utter absurdity of the efforts to conceal truth in the North American Church, as if we will hide the truth…

The NDA is not a new concept, after all; the Pharisees used one to get the Roman soldiers to lie about Christ's resurrection. Judas, of course, had his 30 pieces of silver for the contract he signed. There are numerous examples of Churches corrupted by sin using variations of an NDA to suppress and limit truth from coming to the masses.

That is what an NDA is... it's a cover. It's fake holiness. It's a form of unbelief. It's like Adam and Eve hiding behind a bush because of their nakedness. It's David killing Uriah to hide his adultery with Bathsheba. It's Joseph's brothers selling their younger brother to slave traders and lying about it. It's Ananias and Sapphira conspiring to lie to the Church about their giving.

It's laughable that a follower of Christ would try to hide their sin... and a time is coming when once again, holiness will mark the people of God! In every instance where men tried to hide or suppress the truth, God eventually intervened in some spectacular way.

David lost almost everything he valued as his children turned against him. Ananias and Sapphira died instantly. Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden of Eden. Joseph's brothers were confronted publicly by Joseph.

Heck... when Balaam tried to hide from telling the truth, God made a jackass talk, literally! Maybe that's what we need today?

The NDA must die! In the house of God, it must DIE! Christians... if ever your Church asks you to sign an NDA... RUN! The ONLY purpose for an NDA in a religious setting is to protect the organization. It is meant by DESIGN to crush the weak and hide the sin.

Isaiah said that Jesus' ministry would not break a bruised reed nor quench a dimly burning wick. He said that Jesus would faithfully bring forth justice. Instead, the NDA snuffs the smoldering wick and breaks the bruised reed.

Anyone can see that Isaiah 42:3 and Jesus' words in Matthew 12:20 are speaking of broken people. The abused. The downcast. The ones who have been hurt and need to desperately find a flame again.

Instead of emulating Jesus' ministry, the organizations that utilize these tools act as enemies of the faith... and any new converts they win are likely twice the son of hell they are.

I'm reminded of this passage:

““The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the origin of God's creation: “I know your works; you are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were either cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am about to spit you out of my mouth. For you say, ‘I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing.’ You do not realize that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. Therefore I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire so that you may be rich; and white robes to clothe you and to keep the shame of your nakedness from being seen; and salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see. I reprove and discipline those whom I love. Be earnest, therefore, and repent. Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me.” Revelation‬ ‭3‬:‭14‬-‭20‬ ‭NRSV‬‬

Time to wake up Church!

The truth will most certainly come out. Will you be chilling with Christ when it does or standing outside naked and exposed?

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