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The King Has Arrived!

Writer's picture: GM PennerGM Penner

Updated: Dec 25, 2024

AI produced image of the Nativity

”The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:13


I’m writing this on a cold Canadian Christmas morning in 2024. This year has been an incredible roller coaster globally and in many countries, as unrest and war rock nation after nation. Simultaneously, we've seen a rise in violence, fascism, and a huge exposure of narcissistic, abusive leadership in the Church and public offices. It would be easy to be very discouraged as we reflect on the condition of mankind this year.

That’s a strange way to start a story about Jesus Christ's birth, isn't it? Or is it?


Today we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It was just over 2000 years ago when the events of the Christmas story happened! Like today, the world was horribly broken and unfair. Rome ruled with an iron fist, so there was no getting out of this journey. Mary, who was very much due, together with Joseph, had to go to Joseph's birthplace to register for taxation because Caesar Augustus needed an accurate population census to fund his wars with tax revenue. It probably all looked a bit hopeless, and I am certain that the expectant young Mary must have struggled on that journey, which at that time would probably have been by donkey or on foot.


The world at the time was all about kings and rulers. I already mentioned Rome's tight-fisted rule; however, religious sects ruled in a similar fashion, and men ruled women, children, and treated slaves as personal property. Even the Jewish leaders, who in comparison to these ungodly kings and prefects were more empathetic with regards to the treatment of humanity, were prone to narcissistic, toxic leadership styles. The entire Jewish nation was awaiting a powerful, charismatic king to deliver them. They were expecting an army, someone who would come in politically and militarily to set things right again!


When Joseph and Mary arrived in Bethlehem, they discovered that there were no hotels or sleeping quarters available. This must have been so difficult... I can't imagine how Joseph's mind would have been racing about how he was going to take care of Mary and this new baby. Joseph knew that this child was to be the long-awaited Messianic King. Can you imagine the thoughts of either Joseph or Mary? I have struggled with anxiety and depression personally, so I could imagine Joseph breaking away to cry out to God as he maintained a brave face for his beloved Mary.


Years ago, my wife and I were traveling with our kids. We planned on driving until we were tired and then stopping somewhere for the night, but this turned out to be such a mistake as every hotel was full in every small or large town. We ended up driving until 2 a.m. without finding a hotel or motel. Finally, we pulled into a campground parking lot and tried to sleep in the vehicle, very uncomfortably. I remember well the self-doubt and anger I felt towards myself for not planning for contingencies. It was a rough night for both of us and the kids.


Joseph, however, didn't have the internet, a phone, or the capacity to plan for contingencies... he didn't have a minivan to try to rest uncomfortably inside. I'm sure it was late when an innkeeper pointed to a small stable where they could try to make some straw beds and prepare for the new baby. I have no doubt that the innkeeper noted that Mary was in labor, which likely inspired the semi-compassionate gesture. With apprehension and thankfulness, they went to the stable to settle for the night and prepare for a baby.


The King was about to arrive!


As I continue writing… tears fill my eyes. The very God of all Creation was about to become a man. John 1 writes this - loosely paraphrased:


"in the beginning was the Word Jesus, and Jesus was with God, and Jesus was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him, and without His direction nothing was made. In this very Jesus was Life itself and that life was the light of men. This Light has shined in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it"


The world was awaiting a king... and a king was about to arrive.

The world was waiting for a warrior, but instead a baby was about to arrive in a stable in an unremarkable town called Bethlehem.

Not far from this manger, some shepherds were watching over their sheep during the night. An angel appears in overwhelming light, scaring them immensely, saying:


"Do not fear, I have good news of amazing joy that will be for all people. Today in the City of David is born a Savior - Christ the Lord! This will be your sign, you will find the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger."


Then just after this message a multitude of Angels jumps in and praises God saying:


Glory to God in the Highest and on Earth PEACE among those with whom he is pleased"


Apparently, the host of heaven needs a marketing department. A King?

They announced the miracle of the eternal God made man by sending him into a manger... a feeding trough in Bethlehem? Then, to announce his birth, they choose to market it to some shepherds in a field first? None of this makes sense!

How is he going to affect change and free mankind as a baby, in a feeding trough, in a run-down stable? The shepherds went to see this child, and after this, they shared this with everyone they knew. Anyone who heard it wondered at their story. Mary treasured these events in her heart.


The nature of God is all over this story. He confounds the proud, he gives grace to the humble. He lifts up the broken and outcasts and humbles the arrogant.


I've been writing a lot about authority lately. Today, mankind is still looking for their king. Men and women alike battle for authority and position. Citizens are awaiting a political savior - a king, as it were. Everywhere we go, we are faced with authoritarian rule as mankind operates in the only form of leadership they know.


God, in His infinite wisdom, shows us again and again that His ways are higher than our ways. In the Christmas story, we see how the rulers of the age - including those who were religious - missed the whole event because they were waiting for a King who would come and do what kings do: forcefully remove the corrupt kings and rule with justice and integrity. While the religious leaders of the day were waiting for an earthly king... some astrologers from the orient region saw the signs in the heavens and came to worship a King in a manger.

They expected him in a palace and stopped in at Herod's palace first, once again expecting royalty. Herod found out from his wise men that the star over Bethlehem appeared over Bethlehem. He told the wise men to report back to him so he could... "worship him". Herod, perceiving a threat from a baby, really wanted to eliminate his competition. Once again, we see how this drive for an earthly kingdom missed the mark.

I'm reminded of Psalm 2 - "Why do the nations rage, why do the rulers of this world plot in vain... against the Lord and against His anointed one?"


The Christmas story is full of miracles. It is supernatural from its beginning to its end. We see a God who LOVES the broken, the outcast, the common man. This thread is wound throughout scripture and not only in this story. The Christmas story is 'Good news of Great Joy,' not for the kings of this earth who rule with callous indifference... but for all those who put their trust in Him.


Psalm 9:9 - The Lord will be a refuge for the oppressed


Psalm 103:6 - The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed


James 2:5 - Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love Him?


1 Corinthians 2 - None of the rulers of this age understood this wisdom of God for if they had they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory


Today, I want to proclaim again that there is Good News of Great Joy!

A Savior has been born in Bethlehem of Judea. All dominion, power, and true authority is upon HIS shoulders. His name is Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.

There will be NO END to the INCREASE of HIS Dominion... His government of PEACE.

This excerpt from Isaiah 9 - paraphrased using the Hebrew translation - was a foretelling of Christ's birth. It echoes today, and as we hear it, we can again lift up joyous shouts that the King has arrived. A moment at which the fight for authority is settled. All of the conflict, the wars, the jockeying for authority are SETTLED in Christ.

There is no hindering or destruction of the Kingdom of Christ that started in that manger... whether as a baby or today from the heavens.

Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor, and thanks to the one who sits on the throne and who lives forever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives forever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say:

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”

My message is this:

Don’t miss the King in your efforts to establish dominance or your search for kingship on this earth.

Herod missed it because he perceived his authority was being challenged.

The Scribes and Pharisees missed it because they were looking for an earthly King who practiced authority as earthly kings do.

The people who welcomed the King in that feeding trough were not religious; they were regular tradespeople and astrologers who simply followed the evidence. They were not deterred nor discouraged by a savior in a feeding trough but marveled at this supernatural event.

Jesus can be found when we lay down our crowns and humble ourselves to put our hope in Him!

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